Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well, you managed to do it again. In one single comment you have stated the truth of what I have been contending all along. I am going through this comment sentence by sentence and answer, point by point.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "REMEMBER THIS? THANKS FOR NOTHING, TINK":

We have been watching what hate can do for months.
You are the king of hate Murt. You are the king of getting even Murt. You are the king of backstabbing, threatening behavior Murt.

I find this opening statement telling. They accuse ME of hate yet they seem to condone some of the demeaning name calling at that OTHER blog. How curious. Remember the article that Princess put up about the former Websleuths admin. My defense of my moderator who was her sister, cost me at least 50 followers. I find it ironic that one of the new members of this coalition who is against me, wrote to me in a fit of rage after I refused to "fire" the moderator. I see now that it was a mistake to let her stay.

I even let her go and defend herself against another paltalk member in MY room. That too was another mistake in light of what came out as a result. An admission was made that stunned everyone in the room.

Do you honestly think that three people you, the bitch, and concerned are going to ruin our lives?
I am not out to "ruin"anyone's life. They are doing that on their own without my help. The opposite seems to be true. I am not the one doing driving records checks, posting address and phone numbers all over the internet. Involving minors in pornographic discussions that are blatant lies. (whatever happen to truth never lies?)

To do that Murt you need something on us to use. Guess what, there is nothing.
Again, I am not looking for anything but the truth. I am looking for the person on the other side of the PM'S. Strangely enough that person is HIDING, afraid to take the "credit" for their part in the PM'S. It is interesting how that gets IGNORED.

After more than a year of digging, goading and threatening you have accomplished nothing in stopping us.

Threatening what? I am not the one making the threats. There are others out there that I have nothing to do with that have an agenda. They are the ones making the threats, not me.

Nor has the bitch.

Interesting language. I get chided for using a genaric term such as idiot yet you folks relish in the profane language. Your words alone tell the story.How pathetic.

You and the bitch had the chance to leave all of this alone and go back to your corners.
Oh, and let the hundreds of posts continue, the youtube videos? The twitters? the MOLES? The two faced Admins and Moderators? Sorry, that dog don't hunt.

We left yu and the bitch alone for months and watched.

Who is "we"by the way? The record speaks for it'self. All the content on the blogs, forums viral sites, twtter, facebook doc stocks and the "cloak" the moles, fake names and so on is NOT LEAVING US ALONE. The false claims called to various outlets, the lies told the smears conducted. That is not leaving anyone alone. Doing background checks, searching financial documents, real estate plats, going through on line guest books on a cemetary website, searching through Obits, that is not LEAVING US ALONE.

You both continued to blog about us, threaten us, threaten our families, and enjoy it.


Now that we have decided to come out to play you and the bitch are pissed?

I am annoyed, and yes, and pissed. That is because you started all of this. Rather than go away and "do your own thing" you decided on your little games. It is YOU THAT ARE PISSED because you have been CAUGHT and BANNED. It is odd how INTENSE THIS HAS ALL GOTTEN AFTER I BANNED CERTAIN PEOPLE. The timeline goes right back to there.

Too damn bad.. In the words of another that you and the bitch would not leave alone. The truth never lies, CAMS UP, GLOVES ON....

And the threats begin. As always YOUR actions speak. It is YOU that THREATEN. IT is YOU that involve the INNOCENT.



Posted by Anonymous to FROM THE DESK OF MURTWITNESSONELIVE.COM at January 17, 2010 7:28 AM