Sunday, April 19, 2009


Something sinister is happening on the internet. It now appears to be accepted practice that, if someone disagrees with your opinion or gets banned from a forum, chat room, or blog, that threats are made that if you do not STFU, and unending campign of cyber bullying, cyber, smearing, prank phones, and other widespread attempts at cyber censorship will take place.

Rather than have a civilized discussion about how I run my broadcasts, and chats. A few out on the internet insist of conducting an investigation almost at a level of law enforcement.

For some odd reason it seems imparitive for some out there to do a thorough background starting from the day I was born up to the present day and then post virtually all of this information on the internet.

Some also feel it imparitive to post the personal information about my fiance and engage in the same kind of cyber terrorism targeted at me.
There has always been the same excuse by those who engage in these tactics which is;"You posted your name address etc. on the internet for all to see."

Yes, that is true, for the simple reason that I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE. I do not feel the need to hide behind anon usernames or e-mail accounts for I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Have I made mistakes? Yes, and I have admitted to those mistakes many times over.

This brings me to this point. MY FIANCE HAS NEVER POSTED ANY OF HER PERSONAL INFORMATION ANYWHERE. I never told ANYONE on the internet her last name.
Yet SOMEONE SOMEWHERE found out her full name and posted it on the internet. They even gleefully posted any and all information about why they THOUGHT was her.

As it turns out they wound up tormenting some poor woman who had the bad luck of having the same name as my fiance.

The question is why such dramatic efforts?

The answer is quite simple. It is intimidation by those out there who want to silence me and others. It is a propaganda tool by those who do not believe in our constitutional rights to freedom of expression, ie: freedom of speech.

It is a campign from others who felt they were onto a money making machine, and when they were rejected they sought to get even because they felt that "If I cannot make any money off of this, well, neither will you." or "If we shut him down, we can make the money ourselves."

Recent events seem to indicate proof that the latter is true.

WHAT DOES NOT GET POSTED is the fact that in all of their thorough searches they did NOT find ANYTHING that would even come close to being even a minute scandal.

They have NOT posted, is that I have NO criminal history OF ANY KIND.
There are NO records ANYWHERE of any civil actions, no lawsuits, nothing.
There are NO records of complaints against ANY of my businesses with any agency that regulates these businesses.
There are no divorce records anywhere.
What does not get posted are the POSITIVE parts of my background, some of which I am happy does not, for at least some portions of my life can remain private.

There are a lot inconvenient truths out there for those with the skills to find them. Those who have found them have elected to remain quiet for the simple reason that it would undo their efforts.

That brings me to this one point. None of these actions are called for and are a serious breech of ethics both on and off the internet.

There is an old saying out there "If you do not like the show, change the channel."
Not only do these people not change the channel, they keep coming back.

Some have even gone so far as to gain unauthorized access to my e-mail accounts, web sites, myspace, photobucket and other sites to steal information contained within these locations or change the content within the accounts and, in some cases, post pornography.
Some have opened paypal accounts using my name in an attempt to raise funds for their own greedy purposes.

In their terrorism, they intimidate those who are subscribers of my chats, and websites, by investing THEIR backgrounds and then publishing THEIR information on public chat sites, forums, and message sites.

Some start blogs where they steal my content and that of other blogs for the specific purpose of conducting their own [ersonal smear campign. They even do a lot of these things IN PRIVATE most likely due to the fact that they realise that they are liable for their actions, and in some cases, may be breaking the law.

Many of these people will go to the various chat and message sites and log in using fake usernames so nobody will know who they truely are for the sole purpose of sabatoging the site.

Some of these people engage in the serious breech of ethics of publishing PRIVATE, instant messaging, PRIVATE messages and e-mails.

The excuse today is that "it is just the internet" or "nothing is private" on the internet anymore.

The problem with that excuse is that it is true. Honesty no longer exists on the internet. You cannot trust someone that when you tell them something that is meant to be private, will stay private.

You cannot trust someone that when you send them a PRIVATE message, that it will stay PRIVATE.

You cannot trust someone that when you send them a PRIVATE e-mail, that it will be private.

When someone contacts you, you cannot trust that they are who they are, believe in what they say they believe in, or keep any promise they make.

In short, you cannot trust anyone to keep their word.

In order to accomplish their goals these people will lie, cheat, break the law, violate the fundamental rules of ethics of society no matter the harm it does to the target of their actions.

Out of all of this comes a fundamental truth. What goes around comes around. In order to carry out some of these activities, a certain level of trust is needed between those involved.

If one of them becomes dissatasfied, feels wronged, has power taken away or is otherwise disenfranchised or disallusioned, that one can start the process against the others.

I made the statement once that I do not trust ANYONE on the internet.
That, sadly,should be true for EVERYONE.
Your closest friend on the internet could be your worst enemy.
THAT closest friend could lie cheat and steal in order to "get you" or "get even."

Rather than the internet being a place to meet new friends and engage in good social interactions, it will become a place for hermits who only log onto the internet to read comic books, watch viral videos, or download music.

I close with this. There will be those who will mock and complain about this entry. They will come here and call me names, and attempt to post their lies about me.

I am here to give this warning. It is not that you may be next, it is that you WILL be next. As others see the power that is to be had by engaging in these tactics, someone somewhere who has an issue with YOU will come after YOU.

Enjoy that which you do on to others as others will enjoy what they do onto you.