Thursday, September 16, 2010


In a few moments I am going to leave the Booger Gnomes in the dust. This little group of mindless women who have nothing better to do than to stalk me over the internet will have to find another place to read twitters, chats and so on.

WE have been watching the little Booger Gnomes as they have been snotting around, drawing them out with their bag of tricks so that we can thwart their efforts. We are confident on this next go around that the chat portion of our No Gnome Zone will be clear of these little boogers. They MIGHT be able to read this blog and one or two of the others, they MIGHT be able to watch the streams and so on, but they will be BORED if they do.

From here on out, the Booger Gnomes are ignored, they are the nothing that they are. They can talk about US among each other, but as always, it will have to be their lies since we will no longer provide them sources to lie about. 

I expect the little Booger Gnomes will find others or perhaps themselves to abuse for their lulz. That is fine, We will be watching.

Turn the lights out on the way out.



Someone portending to be AGAINST cyber abuse actually have proven herself a CYBER ABUSER by using a deceptive method of misdirecting people on Twitter to yet another smear site regarding me. (they cannot seem to get enough of doing this)

As anyone knows, you can search Twitter for either a member there or a mention. 

Under normal circumstances on Twitter when you do the search, say MURTWITNESSONELIVE, you would get the name or word in the mention or listed as a username. It should NOT be hidden where you cannot see it. This is the deception that is occurring at that site as of this time.

for example you type in the little window, murtwitnessonelive:

In the results on twitter, under normal circumstances, you would get directed to any public mention of my broadcast name. Instead you get this:

Notice that the @ is missing of the user name. There is a reason for this. The material is being TAMPERED WITH from OUTSIDE Twitter. It is known how this was done.

One good thing that did come out of this is that this is clear cut proof THAT THE PM'S COULD HAVE BEEN TAMPERED WITH EASILY AND IN A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME.

Unless the owner of @stopcyberabuse, catches this article and prevents it from getting onto her twitter account, the link will go straight to her twitter account through automatic feed. 

It is becoming clearer everyday, based on people contacting me, that on line content is getting less reliable every day. More sophisticated methods of tampering with content is becoming available every day and as more people start using these methods, they are seeing how content such as the PM'S and other on line postings attributed to me and others can be FORGED AND FAKED.

So, the old saying of "pictures do not lie." is obsolete. Pictures CAN lie and most times DO.

Rethink anything you see on the internet. Seeing is no longer believing.