Friday, July 16, 2010


Michelle thinks the people who read her faux facebook page are a bunch of idiots. Judging by their comments, she might be right. Case in point is this hoax (lie )that she and others are griping about regarding the exposing of their "real" names.

First we take Michelle, since she started this nonsense. She claims that somehow, Pat Brown, then me then half the internet found out her REAL name and spread it all over the internet. Well, there is a slight problem. If you visit her Twitter page, her real name and city where she is supposed to be living in is there for all the world to see. 

She seems to want to blame ME for leaking this CIA worthy information but forgets that her so called real and quite common  name was well known before I even heard of her.

Now in her tirade she brings up Princess crybaby and her lie about me calling someone she calls "Aunt Crazy" and asking all sorts of personal questions about her. Sorry, WRONG.

The source of my information (drumroll) is none other than someone from HER blog. You see, someone sent me an article from a link to a Texas newspaper about a case regarding an unidentified murder victim by the name of Princess Blue (note the Princess part) and lo and behold WHO do we see mentioned but Ms. Goddard herself, in print IN A WIDELY READ NEWSPAPER! Not only her name but WHERE SHE LIVES!

Now if Alex or anyone else wants to gripe about HER name being out there, they might want to talk to that newspaper. 

It is also interesting how her name got in the newspaper in the first place, so stay tuned for that gem.
Next we come to the piece of work who calls herself (I have been assured it is a she) ZAN/ZAN LAUGHSATYOU AMONG OTHER USERNAMES who gripes that "someone" tied her Beaconhell username to her Facebook account.

If I were Zan/Zanlaughsatyou etc. I would be less concerned about WHO exposed your name and more as to HOW they found out. The only way someone could have found out that tid bit is from ZAN TELLING SOMEONE THAT INFORMATION HERSELF.

 I wonder who that could have been? If I were Zan, I would look at herself in the mirror, first.

Now Michelle must also think her fellow Tardasses are idiots (and she is right on that one) since she FAILS to point out that privacy on the internet HAS BEEN A THING OF THE PAST for more than 2 decades. For a few bucks anyone can find out anything about anybody simply by employing one of those "net detective" services. As of late there SCORES OF NOW FREE SERVICES TO DO THE WORK FOR THEM.

There is no need to call "Aunt Crazy" in Illinois or to spend hours as a mole on a private blog. 

All you need is Mastercard (and not even that anymore) Priceless.

So get a grip and get real Michelle. Quit the bullshit.