Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well, I see that one of the nuttiest people on the internet has decided to join the fray. Like some other nut jobs who used to hang around the forums in the Trenton days this piece of work used to troll her way around causing all sorts of problems, and I was not her only target.

One only has to google around and see the kind of rants she would go on that would soon make her the laughing stock of Topix, Insession Usleuth and so forth.

She always had a habit, and still does, of getting her facts screwed up. When confronted with her mistakes, she would go into a fit of rage and totally ignore the mistake altogether hoping people would ignore the mistake as well.

For example. DOZENS of people pointed out to her that RUBY and BECCA were TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE by those who knew BOTH of them personally. Yet even TODAY almost 3 years later, SHE KEEPS MAKING THIS DUMB CLAIM.

In a way this is doing me a favor because "the dumbest person on the internet" has now chimed in and this should get real interesting.

Be reminded by all who befriend this person. She will turn on you on a dime. She will be your best friend one minute, and your worst enemy the next. She will also break the law, if necessary, to get her own way.