Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have been getting a number of anon posts regarding comments at "that other blog" The author seems to be mixing her facts up as usual.

First: regarding IP tracking. She seems to think that it is an automatic process where the owners of EVERY blog, forum, chat etc. has built in abilities to use ip trackers on their sites.

Well, ok, I offer this challange. This is a blogger blog. I see nothng in here to turn on any built in IP tracker. Someone please enlighten me where to find it.

Second: Regarding the other sites.
If people want to bug the owners of those sites that still exist, be my guest. They might find in their research that my claims are in fact VALID.

Usleuth, for instance has an ENTIRE forum dedicated to hacks and other problems that were rampant on their service and on others such as which is now,

Be certain to ask about the Fake Myspace pages that were the problem back then. had a HUGE problem regarding name impersonation.

Third: The author LEFT OUT TOPIX. Good luck valadating those posts. I personally tried to track down posts that people claimed were mine to no avail. The service has poor oversight at best. Getting posts reguladed on that service is pure and absolute hell.

Fourth: Not that I care,but I was informed almost at the beginning who the owner(s) are of the other blogs and forum sites. They are owned by those who have been banned or otherwise are unwelcome on any of my sites. These folks are not mature enough to say "I do not like or agree with Murt so I will go elsewhere and go on with life."

She/they instead create those nutty sites to make mountains out of molehills and prove to everyone just how screwed up they are.

They claim I stir up drama with what has to be the smallest blog on the internet. It is they who do so by setting up countless blogs, forums, chats and youtube sites to say little more than busybody gossip.

These COWARDS also stir up the drama by using IMPERSONATOR usernames. They are so ASHAMED at their writings or creations that they HIDE behind USERNAMES AND SITE NAMES used my ME and others.

They then SIDETRACK the argument with all of the TRADEMARK and COPYRIGHT nonsense.

If they are so PROUD of their creations then WHY HIDE BEHIND FALSE USERNAMES? Put your REAL USERNAMES up there, not these FAKE ones.

The same goes for the media sites such as YOUTUBE.COM. IF you BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU PUT THERE, then USE YOUR KNOWN USERNAME!

Don't hold your breath folks. The impersonations are their for THEIR DRAMA and out of pure MEANNESS from those who have had their toys taken away from them and are now throwing TANTRUMS. I doubt we will be seeing any TRUTH in USERNAMES out of them any time soon.

They are so ashamed of their work that they need to keep HIDING.

.This group continues to stalk this one site and then distort what is posted here. Again I do not see what is so important about what has to be the smallest blog among MILLIONS on the internet that they have to keep pouring through it's contents to make a huge mountain out of a molehill, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

It is nothing more than pure childish name calling by those who cannot take no for an answer.