Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I was more than a little stunned when I saw this quote that was brought to my attention. Someone listed all my personal information as well as where my dealership locations are and someone called the place where my Trucks are stored, threatening the dispatch service that rents an office there.

This person did not voice not wit of objection to the incident yet this person says this in a recent article:

SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!  I don’t give a crap who you are!  John Goede, commentator;  Trinity_00, twitter sleuther; Joe Dumbass, internet shit heel..IT IS WRONG and posting where someone works is WRONG!  What is wrong with you people?  Just because someone disagrees with you does not give you the right to start investigating their real lives.

Now, the follower of this person who made the call to the dispatcher and the followers who keep prying into my personal life, take heed. Your Klan leader has spoken. She says this is WRONG (or does this apply ONLY those she does not agree with) so take heed BOOGEROCITY etc....