Sunday, February 28, 2010


I have had a number of people remind me of an incident that was the hot topic of a blog or two last year. In the midst of the debate regarding what I call PUPPYGATE is what has to be the biggest hypocrite of all time and may go a long way towards why I became this person's target. I may, in fact, have  been used as a decoy.

Well, it seems it is time to finish this story. SBD and I have come to an understanding in regards to his son and I had intended to have someone do this article, but in hindsight, I started the story, and I should end it as well as take any heat for it's publication.

Yes, this is old news and in the scheme of things not a big deal. But it is an accusation that was made by someone who claimed to be around when this all went down. 

I am going to change slightly the way I had intended to write this and simply use the e-mail that was my primary source. I am going to print it in it's entirety. 

The accusation regarding this incident comes from the author of that e-mail and not from me. I am more than willing to discuss this with SBD and print whatever he says is his side of the story.

This is how this sort of thing should work. Present the evidence and let people judge that alone along with the rebuttal of the accused. 

No need to add the shit stirring to the mix.