Thursday, January 28, 2010


Another theory that worked it's way around the blogs was by a woman who managed to get on the good side of Melinda Eubank's maternal grandparents, had Trenton being abducted through the apartment window.

This theory, once supported early on by a number of people was due to there being a large cut in the screen of the boy's bedroom window and a misaligned set of blinds, suggesting that someone reached into the window and hoisted the boy out.

There were a number of problems with this theory, including the fact that there was no disturbance, at all in the soil underneath the window and due to the overall dimensions of the window, the height of the window off the wall,the thickness of the apartment wall and the distance between the window and the boy's bed, would have meant that Shaq O'neal of the Orlando Magic(at that time) or someone of that stature MIGHT have been able to pull off this little trick. Add to that, the roughness of the stucco wall likely to cut someone's arm to shreads, killed that theory, or did it?

This woman actually had the theory that someone wearing a hazmat suit took the boy out of the window.

Needless to say this led to some rather interesting conversations on the forums.

I bring this story to light only to show that this sort of thing was rampant all over the forums and that similar things are on the forums as of today. My errors, such as they were,do not even come close.