Friday, April 10, 2009


One of the worst offenders in the smear campaign against me is also one of the most hypocritical.
To start our little cruise we need to go back to my days on the Ustream and "foreign server" chats using IRC.

As was was common in those days, someone would come out of the woodwork and offer their services. This woman turned out to be a real piece of work. She became increasingly active on the chats and soon worked her way up the "chat ladder" as one of those who chatted almost non stop and became something of a regular.

I am not sure what came first, "the proposal or the offer of admin services." She did, against my better judgment did become a moderator. She also succeeded in pissing just about everyone off, from regular users to the other moderators.

Things finally came to a head and I was given the ultimatum that either she goes, or I leave the server, for not only was she pissing off the moderators, she was making life miserable for the owners of the IRC servers I was on. She was finally banned from the servers.

In the middle of all of this came a rather odd "proposal. Or, actually, number of proposals.
The first had to do with any future coverage of the trial from the courthouse. She wanted to act as a reporter, going into the courtroom when I explained that I could not take a camera in there, and also do on scene reporting before the hearings, during breaks and after the proceedings.

She became increasingly aggressive and controlling constantly giving me advice (some rather good at times) and hounding me like a mother. At one point when a website was selling items at cafepress at their cost, she railed me for not requiring them to obtain a license and charge a percentage (make money off Caylee) which I never did.

Then things got more interesting. She came up with the book idea. She said she knew ( and introduced me to by phone) a professional ghost writer that could write a book about the case (thus making money off Caylee) and that a split arrangement would be made between the two of us in the way of royalties.

The topper was the 30 day cruise. This was the last straw. She apparently has this thing about going on cruises and did her damndest to get me to go on a cruise with her, alone, just the two of us, IN THE SAME CABIN.

Now, of course, there was to be no hankey pankey and that we would both be able to come and go as we pleased and if I found any "companionship" on the cruise, there would be no problems.

Understand here that this woman has some kind of "significant other" that has absolutely no problem with someone he has never met ( a meeting was to be arranged where I was to go down there to meet him) going off on a 30 day cruise with his wife/girlfriend/whatever.

As all of this sank in, I decided it was time to get out of this situation. As politely as I could I told her that we need to go our seperate ways. That decision came at the heavy price I continue to pay to this day.

In retrospect it probably would have been in my best interests to take my chances on the "love boat." and screw the moral consequences and my relationship with Sherri.

The axim "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." certainly applies here.