Sunday, April 18, 2010

The mysterious "Mr Smith."

Well, a new commenter has appeared on my blog in the guise of "Mr.Smith." Some if  "it's" comments I had taken as the usual insults against me.
Now, perhaps there is another reason for the comments. Could Mr. Smith, in fact be CONFESSING not only to being a PEDOPHILE and the CREATOR OF THE HOAX PM SESSIONS BUT A BABY KILLER AS WELL????

I do not seem to recall anyone discussing missing  BABIES here or on any of the other blogs as of late. Certainly no DEAD ones.

Missing or murdered CHILDREN perhaps, but not BABIES.

It seems to mean that "Mr. Smith" had a slip of the tongue and confessed to the murder of a baby that none of us (or law enforcement for that matter) are aware of.

This, of course, may be a hoax on the part of  "Mr. Smith" but it is up to law enforcement to answer that question.

Is this theory of mine that far fetched? No, not really. This has happened before elsewhere on the internet. Do some research, folks. You might find out something interesting that may have a connection to our new "Mr.Smith."

Stay Tuned