Tuesday, April 20, 2010

created situations

I have been getting a number of comments that I am not going to publish by request regarding the mysterious Mr. Smith.

This new phony username came into being over the weekend and just as quickly vanished. Now Mr. Smith and I engaged in a bit of a debate and Mr Smith seems to have gotten bent out of shape that his/her comments did not get published and that he/she did not like my interpretation of them.

Well, Mr. Smith, two thoughts here.

First. I view your comments as a CONFESSION based on a scenario of YOU playing the role of the guilty no matter how you tried to twist the comments around.

Remember it is YOU that contacted me and CREATED the session that went on between us. I probably should have ignored you and not commented AT ALL as should have been the case with the hoax PM'S.

Remember, MR. Smith that the PM'S were CREATED SITUATIONS as well. I tried time and again, at least a dozen times to block the OTHER person in the PM'S and that person just kept coming back again and again using different usernames. 

The rest, as they say is history.

Are we now going to see HOAX COMMENTS as the new "got ya" being put on the slander  blogs? 


Oh, by the way, if that is the REAL Cubbies, I CHALLANGE  her to call me and varify that. You have the number.