Friday, January 15, 2010


I have been observing of late the battle of the blogs between two woman. One who is a follower of my broadcasts, and a supporter, and the other, a former moderator and most certainly NOT a supporter.

The ONE thing I have noticed in this debate is the advent of racism and the use of the "C" word, NOT by the former, mind you but by the latter and her so called christian sisterhood.

What brought all of this to  bear was the posting of a comment left by the former blogger on a  blog by or about Keith O' a liberal political commenter on MSNBC.

The latter blogger seems to have an issue with the former blogger's view of the United States involvement in the war of Iraq. She seems to infer that the woman had no right to harbor an opinion on this issue since she is NOT a citizen of the United States but of a foreign country, in this case (not a country by the way) but The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, which is part of the United Kingdom.

There are two slight problems with the latter blogger's argument on this particular fact.

First, as I recall, the Former blogger has DUEL citizenship. That is that she is not only a citizen of the Bahamas, but is a citizen of the United States. I have a nephew who has this distinction (or had) as he was born in Austrailia while my sister was serving in the US Navy as a registered nurse.

The SECOND point is that The United Kingdom, of which The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is a part. HAS TROOPS IN IRAQ at the behest of the United States.

The latter alone gives her the right to have SOME opinion of the reasons for and the justification of our involvement in regards to the war in Iraq.

I seem to recall that the recent election of the ONLY senator to vote AGAINST the resolution to involve us in the war of Iraq spoke to the MAJORITY opinion of this country, roundly DEFEATING the Conservative war vet who was a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq.

Now it is not my purpose of starting up a debate on this heated political issue. I tired of debating politics a long time ago. These debates have no end and in the end are frustrating.

My purpose here is to point out that these debates often end in ignorat statements such as those of the latter blogger regarding who and who does not have the right to have a say in the goings on in this country and the latter blogger's use of language which, if spoken by a male, would bring forth the wrath from the female segment the likes of which God could not even invoke.

It shows what hypocrites some females are.