Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The "HELL" : of SHAME

We have all had it wrong. All this time we had thought a certain blogger had wanted to keep her name a secret out of fear. It turns out we were all wrong.

It is not fear that wants her to keep her name out of the limelight, it is shame. She is ashamed of who she is, she is ashamed of her name.

She is so ASHAMED of herself and her name that she will shut down blogs in order to keep people from finding it out.

She hunts down her internet history in order to find where her name is or was and then tries desperately to get her name removed.

She and her team of shame finders hunt far and wide for even the slightest presence of her name and then fight tooth and nail to remove it from the public eye.

Where she cannot remove her name she cries "whistle blower!!"

When that excuse does not work, she cries "stalker."

When that excuse does not work she cries "abusive ex husband."

She cries ANY and ALL excuses except the one excuse that is the TRUTH.


She is addicted to doing these things but has to keep her name OFF of what she is doing. She refuses to take the CREDIT for what she has done. 

She hides behind generic usernames. She has others do her SHAMEFUL work for her.

She hides in shame in her dark corner, feeding her addiction to hate and deception.

She hides from her name and she hides from the truth.

So we will not mention the name of the SHAMED one no more. When we mention her sins we will omit her name, we will not even create a name. No more Prinne, No more Princess Crybaby. Not even nobody. Just a complete blank between quotes.

If "     " is so ashamed of herself, we will join in HER shame and mention her name no more.

This goes  for those who have joined her in her shame. They who do not want their names mentioned due to their shame of what they have said and done. They too will be the blank between the quotes. They will be those to be shunned, to be banished, to be avoided. 

They are the outcasts, the sinners, the shamed ones.