Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have always heard that women are spiteful creatures but this one takes the cake. Before Melinda Marie Eubank committed suicide she filed a domestic no contact order. She used a fake myspace letter to convince the judge that Josh Duckett, the father of missing Trenton Duckett had threatened harm against her and Trenton.

The No Contact Order is just that. If Trenton Duckett were found, Josh Duckett, could not hug him, see him, throw a party for him or go anywhere near him. In addition the order states:
Josh Duckett cannot have ANY contact with ANYONE in the Eubank family.
Josh Duckett cannot own ANY firearm, even for hunting.
Josh Duckett cannot work in ANY law enforcement field.

And the topper? A local judge ruled when he denied a hearing to have the order expunged that MELINDA IS NOT HERE TO REFUTE THE ORDER TO EXPUNGE THE NO CONTACT ORDER!!

If there was an example of "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." This is it.