Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, it looks like this adventure is about over. There is a small group of narrow minded people hell bent to deny me my freedoms of speech. Hundreds of hours have been spent on smears, fake pm's lies slandaers and who knows what else, all to keep me from doing what tens of thousands of people do over the internet.

Rather than create their own material, do their own thing, they keep me from doing what I am entitled to under the laws of this country.

I have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars purchasing domain names, hosting services, spending money on software, equipment, you name it. All of it for nothing as a few mindless females hate seeing a male in an area they think they own.

A blog that purports to be against these acts of cyberbullying instead joins right in. It is a major disappoint. It seems that For Blogs Sake was never against cyberbullying at all. It was all a ruse.

I am not certain what I am going to do now. I have all these resources and can do nothing with them. Maybe I will sell cars and stuff on them, who knows. All I know is that my freedom of speech is dead in the water.

We might as well take the constitution and burn it. IT is now WORTHLESS