Thursday, December 10, 2009


As I have said in an earlier article, there was once a time in a super PM session with my administrators I stated "I do not trust anyone on the internet."

NANANC was one of those who was there. The stunt by her and Princess bore out the reason for my statement.

The family I was raised in believe in manners and ethics. EVERYONE knows that it is RUDE to  record ANY private conversation with someone WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION. In most cases IT IS AGAINST THE LAW.

Well NANANC did just that. She must have taken lessons from the soundboard folks. Had I known that NANANC intended to record the conversation, I would not have accepted the call. NANANC knows full well that I DO NOT give anyone permission to record ANY of my conversations, regardless of the source.

For her to do that is not only highly unethical and demonstrates a total lack of character, it is also a violation of FLORIDA law. We are a two party state. That means that ALL parties to a private conversation MUST be told the conversation is being recorded and MUST GIVE THEIR CONSENT to the call.

I know for certain that if I did that to Princess or Michelle they would be raising holy hell about it.

I am profoundly disappointed to see that NANANC does NOT possess the honesty and integrity that I had thought she had when I appointed her LEAD administrator. I have never, ever been so disappointed in someone in my life as I am with NANANC. I wish I had never met her and I certainly never EVER want to talk to her again, either on the phone or on the internet.