Friday, July 17, 2009


It seems that people cannot either read nor accept the fact that this is a privately owned blog. As the owner I have the right to regulate it the way I see fit. Other bloggers do the same thing. BH is a prime example.

That means that I can use any criteria I wish when deciding what comments to allow on here.

The vast majority of comments are to bash me and there comes a point where I will say enough is enough. There are any number of Murt bashing sites out there for you who have that as your purpose in life can go to and post to your heart's content.

That said, I remind all of you of my post conceding defeat. I decided not to fight the liars and haters anymore. It is clear that honesty and decency is not in their vocabulary. Thus, it is of no use to argue with them.

Sooner or later there will be information that will come out that will prove them for the liars they are. The information will not come from me.

For now it is back to my group, e-farming and on line comics. I will not be starting up any road trips anytime soon.

I will be content to watch the rantings of Nancy Grace and reading posts on mainstream sites such as In Sessions. Posting on any of them is out of the question.