Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello Murtards and others. I finally got around to creating a blog. I had planned on putting the blog into my website at but have decided on this location. As time goes on, I will see how this site works out.

There are a number of reasons for creating this blog. The main reason is as an extension to my broadcasts on Paltalk and Ustream. There will be times when I want to expand on an event that I am covering and this will be the location for doing that for now.

Another reason is to address the ongoing internet smear campign by a number of people out there that seem to have a problem with me and my rather small broadcast and chat site.

Rather than generate revenue for the Blog that supports the criminal behavior of some of some of her posters engage in, I choose to address the issues regarding their smear campign here.

Please bear with any typographical errors and other mistakes I may make in the writing of this blog. I am in no way a professional writer, so my errors will abound.

So for now I say : STAY TUNED