I have largely ignored the so called "Truth About MURT" blog that some individual or "group." set up as a smear blog and used it to stalk me as well as spread misinformation about me and my friends. I had decided to move on and ignore the trolls who seem to have me as a single target of their wrath.
That is, until, I started getting anonymous e-mails from someone with some rather interesting information about not only the owner(s) of that blog but about some of those who are subscribers to it.
I have often wondered why the folks who run that particular blog hide behind fake usernames and are unwilling to disclose just exactly who they are. They used the excuse, YAWN, that I would "stalk" them and send people who were "convicted pedophiles" to do them harm. A rather neat trick, by the way, since the purported pedophile I was supposed to be sending is "DEADER THAN A DOORNAIL" and this fact was widely known by those making the accusation.
When the flood of e-mails started coming about a month ago, I had not paid much attention until someone insisted rather strongly, in these e-mails, that I need to start looking into the background of some of the subscribers to that blog.
Imagine my surprise when I found that most of the subscribers to that blog have questionable backgrounds to say the least and at least two of them are REGISTERED CHILD SEX OFFENDERS.
I have also learned that at least one of the administrators of "The Truth About Murt" blog may in fact be a CONVICTED sex offender (pedophile) who is participating in the blog due to my exposing this person without my even knowing it.
I would suppose the suggestion here would be is that if you read a blog by an anonymous administrator who does not wish to disclose his/her true identity, you might well be advised to question the validity of that material.
I have always put my known username to any blog I have set up or written an article within. My name is well known as are just about everything there is to know about me including my CLEAN record. Something the blog administrators seem to leave OUT of their writings.
Judging by the subscriber base on that blog, I am not the one that people should be worried about.
People hide for a reason and that reason is not always an honest one.
Stay Tuned