Friday, August 6, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free??? BULLSHIT

If the latest doc dump in the Anthony case as well as the latest antics by the Liars Club are any indication, that famous expression is bullshit.

The liars that include Princess of Beaconhell, Michelle McKee, OhioLinda and so forth continue with their onslaught of lies against me.

Princess is again producing those smear cartoons (or at least publishing them) and spreading them around.

There are those in the blogger world who would rather join in on the smearfest than investigate the truth behind those who are participating in the smear.

Truth did not prevail here, the lies did.

Nobody wants the truth, they would rather smear and demean.

It is a pity, really. I feel for the next victim, for I know there will be one.