Sunday, April 11, 2010


As I approach the end of the sixth decade of my existence in this world, I find myself asking this question and others. Why was I born  me? What am I doing here? What am I supposed to accomplish? What is my purpose in life?

In the end, I have accomplished nothing. I have lost more than I have gained, and yes, I have done more harm than good. My life, in short has been a complete and utter waste of time.

Another year has gone by and where am I? A young boy is missing and likely dead by the hands of his mother.

A young girl, not even able to get a start in life is dead by the hands of her mother.

Another young boy is missing and his fate is unknown.

Another young girl is dead at the hands of a stranger.

Another young girl is missing, her fate unknown.

All the plans and goals I had to try and make a difference have gone unmet. 

In the end I should not have tried for it seems to fail was the only outcome meant to be.

As I now face the reality that my life has been an utter and complete waste of time I also face this reality:

In this world there are those who do great things. 
There are those who accomlish great things.
There are those who contribute a lot to society.
There are those who make a difference.
There are those who leave their mark.

In whatever time I have left I now see that I will not be one of them.