Saturday, April 17, 2010


As the ever increasing weirdness of the case of The State of Florida vs Casey Marie Anthony works it's way through the court system, yet another blogger has found himself in the news as part of the case.

Bozo the clown apparently feels that Judge Strickland should not read blogs or at the vary least not tell the authors of these things that he thinks they are doing a good job. To that I say "bullshit."

As long as a judge can remain impartial on the stand, he should be entitled to voice his opinion on something he reads in a blog as long as he does so in a manner that does not indicate a prejudice of any case he may be presiding.

I certainly do NOT feel this is the case regarding Marinade Dave.

Dave does an outstanding job writing his blog. Like all of us out there, he does so for the pure enjoyment of the blogging experience. He is not in it for the money or to take advantage of the circumstance or is he seeking fame. Fame, unfortunately, has come knocking at his door and he seems to be handling it well.

It does help that the mainstream media has a favorable opinion of him.

 I am certain that Marinade Dave will do as the rest of us on the internet  will do and "keep on truckin."

As for Bozo the Clown, he needs to join the circus and get out of practicing law.