Monday, April 26, 2010


This rather curious statement came up recently at a roundtable that I have from time to time with a group I am a member of that follows true crime blogs.

This comment was regarding the subject of a tag line of a member of Paltalk where her name shows up on a list of subscribers that are on the service.

"The children lied" was in refrence to a Florida case involving two adult defendants charged with a lewd act in the presence of minors on, of all things, a kitchen table.

The panelist, who had been looking at the case having to do with the children that were mentioned asked "How does this woman know that for certain?"

I had no answer except that she does not. As we discussed the matter it was pointed out that this woman was from an entirely different state than where the incident involving the children ocurred and that, as far as I knew, the woman did not know ANY of the people involved in the case at the time it ocurred.

The ONLY person she knew that had anything remotely to do with the case is an on line acquaintance with the SISTER of one of the defendants of the case. This internet friendship was, as far as anyone knows less than 2 years old. The case in question was considerably older.

In the court records that were being examined was testimoney that the male defendant had instructed on of the children who witnessed this "event" to photograph the vaginal area of the female defendant with a camera he provided.

Now the final question is this:

If the children or child LIED, then who took the pictures???