Saturday, January 16, 2010


Some dingbat seems to relish in bring up a problem I had some years back with this virus. I would suggest that people who read THAT blog start reading some of the links regarding this nasty piece of work.
The above link is one of THOUSANDS that went up when this thing spread like wildfire. I first encountered this thing while sitting in a rest area in North Carolina. I was trying to complete some transactions when I found that I could not get into some websites that I used for this purpose. A short time later, it was determined that the NKVD homepage hijacker was the culprit.

As it is described in the article I ATTEMPTED to form a group to do something about this little problem. There were people INTERNATIONALLY where were angry about what had been done and believe me, had any of THEM caught up to the culprit, the results would have been dire indeed.

With a little digging, it was found that this item was created by a twerp in Canada who used the virus to MAKE MONEY. The web page high jacker would direct people to his cliant's websites.

When my efforts to form a group FAILED as people tended to want to do things on their own, I gave up on the group concept and moved on. From what I understand the virus was soon eradicated and the perp "delt with" by fellow Canadians who had an issue with his so called business model.

The anti-virus community has also managed to catch up to malware of this nature so such advocacy is not as necessary as it used to be. This incident was well over 4 years ago and I am certain, public as my posts were, that if there were any legal problems stemming from them, they would have been dealt with long before now.