As of 12:00 NOON Dec, 11 2009, MURTHAVEN FLORIDA is now the official blog of and
This blog will remain as a source of information limited to the few followers here and the off the web forum members that read it.
The tone and content of the blog will change as time goes on.
Another change will be that comments to whatever has or will be written on this blog will be more strictly moderated. I have been lax for far too long in allowing comments that no other blog owner would or does tolerate. That ends now. I do read all comments, both published or unpublished. What comments do and do not pass muster will be apparent as time goes on. As I have always stated, thiis is not a bash MURT site, so that should give potental commenters insight as to what will and will not be allowed.
From this day on, however, what I choose to be published will be much more restricted than in the past.
It is my blog and I will run it the way I see fit.